Market regulations

General Terms and Conditions and Conditions of Participation for The Plant Festival

§ 1 Contractual partner

The organizer of this event is the
Mr. Plants - Ramadan, Marvin and Gütgens, Deniz GbR
with registered office in:
Beltinghovener Street 36
41068 Mönchengladbach

In the following, the organizer is referred to as the "organizer". By paying the invoice for the reserved stand space or by entering the event site, a legally binding contract is concluded between the organizer and the participant. The contractual partner is referred to as the "Participant".

§ 2 Registration for the event

Stand space can be reserved via the website, by telephone, in writing or in person during the event. The organizer will issue an invoice to the participant in accordance with the reservation. Registrations by minors (under 18 years of age) are not permitted. The sale and offering of goods by underage participants is only permitted with the express consent of a parent or legal guardian.

§ 2.1 Reservation conditions

The organizer may refuse or revoke reservations at any time without giving reasons.

§ 2.1.1 Withdrawal of the participant

If the participant declares that he/she does not wish to participate in the event, the invoice amount for the stand space will be reduced by 70 % if the withdrawal is made at least 6 months before the event. In the event of withdrawal at least 3 months before the event, the reduction shall be 30 %. In the event of withdrawal at short notice, the full stand fee will be due and a refund is excluded.

§ 2.2 Rental furniture

The participant can book rental furniture from the organizer for a fee. This furniture may vary in size, quality and condition and may show signs of wear. The materials do not always correspond to the specified standard dimensions.

§ 2.2.1 Notification of defects

Defects or damage to rented furniture must be reported immediately by the participant to the organizer. The participant is liable for all damage to the rented furniture caused by him/her.

§ 3 Payment modalities

The amount to be paid for the stand rental and rental furniture must be credited to the organizer's account within 10 days of receipt of the invoice. The following details must be stated on the bank transfer: Name of the participant (if different) and invoice number to the account specified on the invoice.

§ 3.1 Pricing

The prices can be found in the respective registration form. The participant must pay the prices stated in the confirmation/invoice including VAT.

§ 3.2 Participation without a valid admission ticket

Attempting to attend the event without a valid admission ticket is considered a violation of § 265a StGB. In this case, the organizer will charge an increased admission fee of 50 euros.

§ 4 Allocation of stand locations

The participant is not entitled to a specific seat. Even if this was previously agreed, another place may be allocated in exceptional cases. The organizer will make every effort to take into account placement requests, but is not obliged to implement them.

§ 4.1 Stand size and design

The organizer allocates stands in different sizes. The participant cannot assert any guarantee or claims for damages. The marked areas must be adhered to by the participant.

§ 4.2 Routes and safety regulations

Special attention must be drawn to the fact that the marked stand areas may not be exceeded and that escape routes and emergency exits must be kept clear. All walkways are also escape routes and must remain accessible at all times.

§ 5 Seat reservation and use

The stand space will be kept free for the participant until 15 minutes before the end of the set-up time. If the stand space is not taken up by then, the organizer may allocate the space elsewhere for technical reasons. There is no entitlement to an alternative space.

§ 5.1 Loading and unloading zones

Before and after market hours, participants may stop for loading and unloading directly at the building in the designated parking areas. Upon completion of the process, all vehicles must be moved to the designated parking lot P4. Care must be taken to observe prohibition signs (stopping and parking bans as well as emergency access routes) and to leave sufficient space at the doors. Fire department access routes and escape and rescue routes must be kept clear at all times. Failure to do so may result in the vehicle being towed away. The participant must report the registration numbers of the vehicles used for delivery on the day of the event at the latest.

§ 6 Responsibility and supervision

The respective participant is responsible for supervising the sales stands.

§ 7 Legal provisions

It is the responsibility of the participant to inform himself about all relevant regulations and laws in connection with the event. The participant is obliged to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations at his stand, such as the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (WA/CITES) and the European Endangered Species Regulation (EC 338/97).

§ 8 Subletting the stand space

The rented stand space may not be sublet to third parties.

§ 9 Costs due to relocation and towing

Costs incurred by moving or towing bicycles, cars or trucks will be charged to the vehicle owner.

§ 9.2 Liability for damages

The organizer is not liable for damage to vehicles caused by other participants or visitors.

§ 10 Cleaning requirements

The participant is obliged to clean the rented area as well as one meter in front of his stand and up to the area of his directly neighboring stands. Any garbage produced must be disposed of by the participant. A lump sum of 50-150€ may be charged for violations of this regulation.

§ 11 Changes and cancellations

The organizer may cancel, shorten or postpone an event at any time. In the event of postponement or cancellation, the stand fees paid will be credited for the new or alternative date. The participant is not entitled to a refund or compensation. If an event is canceled due to force majeure, such as a storm, no compensation will be granted.

§ 12 Permitted advertising measures

By entering the grounds, purchasing an admission ticket or registering for a stand area, the participant allows the organizer and third parties to use sound, photo or film recordings of his/her person. Photos, film and sound recordings are regularly made at the events, which are published in the press, on the website, in social media and for advertising purposes. Participants expressly agree to this, also with regard to their image rights.

§ 13 House rules and order

The organizer exercises full domiciliary and site rights on the entire event site at all times. The instructions of the hall operator, organizer and their representatives must be followed. In the event of non-compliance, the organizer may close the participant's stand immediately and, if necessary, issue a ban from the premises. There is no entitlement to reimbursement or compensation.

§ 13.1 Damage to property

It is expressly forbidden to stick or nail anything to the hall walls and rental equipment. Any damage caused will be charged to the participant in full.

§ 13.2 Smoking ban

Smoking is strictly prohibited in all rooms of RedBox GmbH. Participants may use the external areas designated for smoking. This ban also applies to e-cigarettes, as the vapor can trigger the fire alarm system. Violations may result in immediate expulsion from the premises!

§ 13.3 Pets

Pets are not permitted.

§ 13.4 Advertising on the premises

The distribution of advertising of any kind on the entire event site is only permitted with the prior written consent of the organizer.

§ 14 Liability for damages

The participant is liable in full for all damage caused to the organizer or third parties by the participant or his agents and is obliged to pay compensation to the organizer. The operators of the respective sales stand are jointly and severally liable.

§ 14.1 Exclusion of liability

The organizer's liability for property brought in by the hirer and for personal injury and damage to property is excluded to the extent permitted by law and is limited to intent and gross negligence. The burden of proof of fault lies with the hirer. The organizer accepts no responsibility for the personal belongings of participants.

§ 16 Data protection

The protection of your data is our highest priority. By registering, you consent to your data being stored and processed electronically for the purpose of implementing and processing this contractual relationship. You have the option to revoke your consent to the processing of your data at any time in accordance with Art. 7 para. 3 GDPR.

§ 17 Other regulations

For safety reasons, bicycles must be pushed on the entire event site. Riding inline skates or other sports equipment is not permitted during the event.

§ 18 Recognition of the conditions of participation

By registering and taking up a stand space, the participant accepts the Conditions of Participation in full and undertakes to comply with them unconditionally. In the event of violations of the conditions of participation, the participant is obliged to pay the contractual penalty and compensation for damages.

§ Section 19 Severability clause

Should one or more of these provisions be or become legally invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provisions shall be replaced by legally permissible provisions that come as close as possible to the meaning of the invalid provisions.

§ Section 20 Place of jurisdiction

The place of jurisdiction and place of performance shall be the Local Court of Mönchengladbach, also in the case of claims in dunning proceedings (§§ 688 ff ZPO).
